Our Vision
We are a commitment to conscious leadership on the planet. We see a world where leaders, teams and people everywhere are a living expression of a creative, productive and joyful way of being and doing.
We inspire and serve people and teams on their journey of transformation to their best Self.
OUR services
Executive Coaching
Help executives define their leadership and personal goals
Enable them to identify and transcend limiting worldviews and behaviors
Co-generate sustainable and deep change in their leadership capacity
Training Workshops
- The Body of a Leader (1 day outdoor workshop)
Hits the Reset button to de-stress and rejuvenate busy executives. Go from frenzy to calm doing and gentle being. Check out our next public event.
- Mastering the Action Cycle for Performance Excellence (4 hour session)
Train teams in coordinating action by making commitments thoughtfully and managing them strongly
- The Technology of Language (1 day session)
Train people and teams to harness the generative power of language. Leverage the syntax of conversations to create powerful results and sustainable change in team dynamic
Based on client needs, custom workshops, team building events, leadership retreats and other events can be created.
Consulting for Culture Change
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast, operational excellence for lunch, and everything else for dinner”
Organizational culture is on its way to becoming a huge driver of competitive advantage. Other than the ability to innovate and adapt, everything else is on its way to being commoditized. And innovation and adaptability are cultural characteristics more than anything else. Hierarchical, linear, task-driven cultures will fail unless they co-opt organic, diverse, holistic characteristics. This transition will be painful, whether an organization is already large and successful, or just entering its growth and scaling phase.
If you are a leader who sees the upcoming world similarly, we have a lot in common. There are no cookie-cutter answers here, as you can guess. But amazing transformations are waiting to happen for those who are visionary enough to venture here. If you are committed to creating an organizational culture that will be relevant in the 22nd century and leave it's mark on this century, we need to talk. If what you have read here resonates with you, please get in touch. We would love to dream with you and transform with you.